Friday, September 30, 2011

Blog #3

Now that we have begun to discuss a wide variety of civilizations from around the world, new ideas, perspectives, and views may be bubbling up. Knowing that architecture is a global phenomenon and that it exists very much outside of Blount Auditorium, the next blog asks that you cross the street and enter into the MFA. Once there, find an artifact that relates to something (anything, really) that we have discussed in class.

Make (not take) an image of the artifact. Be sure we can get a sense of what it is. Post the image.

Then, offer 100-150 words of text that explain the relation to a topic we have discussed in class. This is NOT a description, but rather a demonstration that develops a connection back to the course material.

One rule – no mummies!

Assigned: 30 Sept 2011

Due: Before class, 11 Oct 2011

As you know, the MFA is free with your WIT ID.

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