Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Blog Response 2

Blog #2 is as follows:

How does architecture orient you? How does architecture frame the way you inhabit?

Many of you have come from places other than Boston, where you now live. Some have lived in different cities; others grew up in the suburbs. Some may have lived their lives in Boston but now find themselves in a new neighborhood. Think back to when you first arrived; think about how you now find your way in the city.

Please provide 100 - 150 words.


An image – made, not taken. This means you need to construct an image that demonstrates, elucidates, informs, illustrates, your text. Think of it as a design problem. For a few examples, follow the links:

Each of you is asked to post a blog response. This is not a group exercise.

Due before the beginning of class – 29 September 2011

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