Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Casey Delia- Blog 2

I grew up in Concord, NH which is the capital, however isn't really a "city." Finding my way around Concord is second nature at this point. How I gained that knowledge was Concord is divided by different areas much like Boston however the areas aren't named, but more or less commonly known titles by the people who live there. An example would be, "The Heights" or "South Concord." I have been to Boston numerous times in my life living only about an hour and a half away but I never really understood the city as a whole, but rather just as different areas. I had know idea how the connected to one another, so when I first Arrived here at Wentworth I was completely lost. I soon found out quickly that the T was a very useful way of getting around and brought it upon myself to learn the lines as quickly as possible. When I choose to walk around the city however I often use the Prudential Center as a guide, as do most people that I know. Other pieces of architecture that orientate me are the Hancock Tower, and the Bunker HIll Memorial Bridge. Now that I am used to the city and it's streets I can find my around many areas in Boston.

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