Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Blog Response 3:

After going to the MFA, I was most interested in the beautiful exhibit of Jewels, Gems, and Treasures Ancient to Modern. This exhibit had multiple pieces that represented different cultures of riches and valued possessions. The jewels, gems and treasures reminded me of the importance of riches to the Egyptians. Riches to the Egyptians symbolized power and wealth within the civilization. Today, the importance of riches is significant and can determine power as well. The Egyptians always carried their riches, including after being buried within a tomb. The tombs were filled with jewels, gems and treasures for them to take into the after life. I wonder if they Egyptians never buried their treasures or kept them so valuable would they be defined by their riches, or would they even have any to compare to today’s valuables.

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