Monday, October 24, 2011

Robert Hale: Blog 4

The Bunker Hill monument located in Charlestown shares a resemblance to the Menhir that are spread across Europe. The Bunker Hill monument commemorates the first major battle between the U.S. and British during the Revolutionary War. Like the Menhir at Carnac the Bunker Hill monument acts as a focal point in the surrounding area and a monument to part of history. Although the scale is much larger than the Menhir the effect and purpose of it are the same. The approach to the Bunker Hill monument is what I can imagine similar to approaching a Menhir that seems randomly placed in an open field. It is visible from a distance away, and curiosity draws you closer. As you approach you feel a sense of meaning and importance of the site. In that way the monuments of about 4,000 BCE relate to those of common time.

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