Monday, October 10, 2011

Steph Greenlaw Blog 3 Response

Since my first elementary school lesson I've been fascinated by the ancient Egyptian culture and their knowledge. The first time that I went to the MFA I found myself lingering in the Ancient Egyptian exhibit until the group that I was with pulled me away. Even by studying the smallest amount of Egyptian culture, it is easy to see that almost everything they did was somehow connected back to the water and/or a major river (usually the Nile). Whether it be how a building, temple, or pyramid was oriented, or part of a ritual, the water is more often then not a major factor, if not the only factor. It is arguable that the Egyptian culture revolved around water. The jar in the bottom right of my image is proof of this. Each side of the jar depicts a long, narrow boat that is navigating itself through a river. The significance of this is that this jar was made almost half a millennium before the first Pharaoh.

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