Monday, October 10, 2011

Dan Zarkadas - Blog 3

I found my object of interest at the MFA before I actually entered the museum. I decided to take a look at the giant baby heads in front of it. I looked into it and found out they weren’t actual ancient artifacts like other things in the museum, but modern creations of a Spanish realist sculptor. However they gave me a starting point to make connections to what we learned in class. They reminded me of the giant stone heads of the Olmec culture that were scattered around Mexico. The baby heads in front of the MFA have similar expressions to some of the Olmec heads that have been discovered. One has a surprised expression and another has its eyes closed with a straight face. The Olmec heads were thought to be images of leaders, and the expressions of the heads could be related to their personalities or general demeanor. Probably not the same meaning or inspiration as the MFA heads, but nonetheless they bear a strong visual resemblance.

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