Monday, November 14, 2011

Blog 6- Nick Strout

This book was a required reading for my elective class Analysis of Contemporary Buildings and Architectural Movements. Much like most required readings I did not look forward to reading it. However, after I did read it I was very glad I did. Venturi’s Complexity and Contradiction taught me have a new look at all architecture that surrounds me. The book is considered a “manifesto” of Venturi’s and demonstrates methods of his to create valid and vital works through embracing complexity and contradiction. Venturi’s big idea in the book is to “pursue truth in totality” and not abide to laws of architectural movements; such as modernism in Venturi’s case.

The biggest inspiration Venturi lends to me through the book is to question all works of architecture and find what the architect truly inspired to be conveyed. Great architecture can be expressed in many ways, from great buildings like the Parthenon to a tree house in someone’s back yard.

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