Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dan Zarkadas - Blog 8

The Apple stores are examples of buildings that represent Apple’s ideals in a clear way and explains their vision of the future. The obvious thing about the building is the amount of glass. It’s extremely modern and pushes the boundaries of what can be done with architecture. The structure, which in the past used to be the defining feature of many buildings, is slowly being erased and replaced by nothing but clear, translucent forms. These buildings are like the markers of architectural advancement, like a portal to the future. Apple is a forward thinking company and they’re always looking towards what’s next, which is exactly what they aim to show through the series of stores they build. The latest of which takes it to the extreme, it doesn’t even look like it’s a building anymore, just a glass box, like an icon. The store is underground of course but it looks like there is nothing there, a reference to a future where we won’t actually need physical stores, just an icon on our desktops.

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