Monday, November 28, 2011

Blog 8 - Tyler Lombardi

In Switzerland there is a small area in the mountains where forms of disposed stones taken from the mountains from early civilizations were left behind. This site in the mountain was a key aspect of early Swiss culture and was the best source of natural building materials. Builders would carve the stone from large masses in the mountain to build with and over time the masses of stone that were left behind started to form small barriers or wall-like structures. Because this site was so frequently used by the local cultures, the natural environment was disturbed. The path of a small river running through the mountain was altered over time from the displacement of the stone being taken away. Over time the water from this river started to collect around the masses of stone that were left behind from the builders. Now the river that runs through the mountain empties into this small collection of water, in which sit the solid masses of stone taken from the mountain itself, creating a serene interaction between light (water) and heavy (stone).

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